Moderátor: Moderátoři
<memorysize>0</memorysize> <!-- number of bytes used for buffering streams in memory
When set to 0 the cache will be written to disk instead of RAM -->
<buffermode>0</buffermode> <!-- Choose what to buffer:
0) Buffer all internet filesystems (like "2" but additionally also ftp, webdav, etc.) (default)
1) Buffer all filesystems (including local)
2) Only buffer true internet filesystems (streams) (http, https, etc.)
3) No buffer
4) Buffer all network filesystems (incl. smb, nfs, etc.) -->
<readfactor>4.0</readfactor> <!-- this factor determines the max readrate in terms of readfactor * avg bitrate of a video file.
This can help on bad connections to keep the cache filled. It will also greatly speed up buffering. Default value 4.0. -->
neis píše:Aplikace button maper nebo tak nějak, ale je třeba za 70 Kč koupit plnou verzi. Jen je třeba pak netflix vypnout, aby se nespoustely dvě věci najednou..
adb shell pm list packages
adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 nazev_aplikace_co_chceme_odstranit
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