To uz takmer o polovicu lacnejsi Sharp LC-32WD1E mi pride lepsi (aspon urcite co sa tyka kompenzacie pohybu)

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maiki píše:lCD sux
The numerous facial close-ups found in the movie looked particularly amazing on the Philips 37PFL9632D. The exquisite detail – for example every last pore, wrinkle and stubble on McClane's weathered countenance – set against the equally refined background almost effortlessly showered the film with wonderful 3-dimensional depth at every other turn.u/quote]During the hair-raising tunnel sequence in which opposing streams of traffic were sent hurtling towards McClane and his hacker sidekick, I never found the blacks to be overly grey.henomenal SD (standard definition) video processing ensured that upscaled images retained sufficient detail without overblown edge enhancement, and that jaggies were kept at bay. Whereas on other HDTVs you may need to manually switch between video and film mode deinterlacing depending on the screen content, the 37PFL9632D automatically recognises film-based vs video-based programmes, and applies the necessary processing (though 2:3 pulldown was sluggish, and 2:2 erratic).[100Hz Clear LCD] as implemented on the Philips 37PFL9632D made the most compelling argument for the continuous development of motion-compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) technology. With [100Hz Clear LCD] engaged, the 37PFL9632D quite simply delivered the highest motion resolution I have witnessed on any LCD television so far.
Jedina vytka (aj ked si myslim ze pochopitelna a rovnako by to bolo aj na inych LCD):When fed with 1080p/24 signal, the Philips 37PFL9632D rendered panning shots smoothly without any telltale sign of telecine judder. But it took me less than 3 minutes into the movie to spot the first of many deinterlacing artifacts (from a viewing distance of six feet away) – unexpected line twitters appeared on the frames of the flat-screen panels in the FBI Cyber Security Centre (02:45). Among others, I also noticed moiré artifacts on the front grille of the yellow taxi (22:30), and the roof of the National Data Administration building (26:47).7/quote]
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