Takze taketo su oficialne podmienky pre HD Ready v presnom zneni:
EICTA píše:Requirements for the logo “HD ready”
The EICTA "HD ready" Minimum Requirements for display devices are neutral towards the
technology used (plasma, LCD, DLP, DLA, LCoS, CRT, ...) as well as the implementation
thereof (flat panel, rear projection, front projection, direct view, ...).
A display device has to cover the following requirements to be awarded the logo “HD ready”:
1. Display, display engine
· The minimum native resolution of the display or display engine is 720
physical lines in wide aspect ratio.
2. Video Interfaces
· The display device accepts HD input via:
o Analogue YPbPr1, and
· HD capable inputs accept the following HD video formats:
o 1280x720 @ 50 and 60Hz progressive (“720p”), and
o 1920x1080 @ 50 and 60Hz interlaced (“1080i”)
· The DVI or HDMI input supports content protection (HDCP)
Zdroj> http://www.eicta.org/files/LicenseAgreement-153205A.pdf
DOPLNENE: HD Ready 1080p
Kedze sa v minulosti dost zneuzivalo oznacenie Full HD, pre displeje ktore sice mali nativne rozlisenie 1920x1080, ale vedeli prijat na vstupe len prekladanych 1080i, pripadne ak aj vedeli 1080p tak len pri 50Hz a 60Hz, alebo len s overscanom... rozhodla sa EICTA vydat novy standard.. HD Ready 1080p
Takze taketo su oficialne podmienky pre HD Ready 1080p v presnom zneni:
EICTA píše:The EICTA "HD ready 1080p" Minimum Requirements for display devices are neutral towards the technology used (plasma, LCD, DLP, DLA, LCoS, CRT, ...) as well as the implementation thereof (flat panel, rear projection, front projection, direct view, ...). A display device has to cover the following requirements to be awarded the combined “HD ready” Logo and “1080p” qualifier Logo:
1. Display, display engine
• The minimum native resolution of the display or display engine is 1080 physical lines. The display or display engine uses a minimum of 1920 pixels in horizontal direction.
• The display device can reproduce all of the mandatory supported video formats with the correct non-deformed picture aspect ratio.
• The display device has a mode in which it will display on its screen without overscan / with underscan the full picture of the mandatory supported HD video formats that have a sampling definition of 1920x1080 (1080i, 1080p) and that are received in digital format.
• The display device can reproduce any of the required 1080p video formats with the same or a higher frame rate – while using at least 1080 physical lines combined with a minimum of 1920 pixels in horizontal direction.
2. Video Interfaces
• The display device accepts HD input via:
o Analogue YPbPr1, and
• The analogue HD capable input (YPbPr) accepts the following HD video formats:
o 1280x720 @ 50 and 60Hz progressive (“720p”), and
o 1920x1080 @ 50 and 60Hz interlaced (“1080i”)
• The digital HD capable input (DVI or HDMI) accepts the following HD video formats:
o 1280x720 @ 50 and 60Hz progressive (“720p”), and
o 1920x1080 @ 50 and 60Hz interlaced (“1080i”), and
o 1920x1080 @ 24 and 50 and 60 Hz progressive (“1080p”)
Zdroj> http://www.eicta.org/fileadmin/user_upl ... EEMENT.pdf