od Marek.medved 21. 2. 2024 16:55
Hello Mr. Medved,
yours VE280FE has been arrived at our company on February, the 15th, 2024.
The fault description is as follows:
shorted with cable reduction 4pinXLR - 2.5mm jack or wrong soldered dummy load.(in year 2022)
Contents: -Issue drive headphones ,Beyerdynamic T1 bass treble ,Hifiman HE6 current
-Cheap audio output -voltage swing problems (600ohm beyers)
-absent soundstage,separation of musical instruments,mutted bass treble
-no difference between Lossy and Lossless
We have checked the unit with our audio measurement system on all inputs and outputs.
The result is that the unit has absolutely no fault. All measured values at all audio inputs and outputs correspond to the manufacturer's specifications.
The Pre Gain Switching is working correctly. We have measured with our dummy load, which contains 8 different resistors for loading the outputs of the test unit.
It works for symmetrical and asymmetrical outputs. So, the poweramp section has enough power for earspliting levels.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Klinke
Service & Support
Potom nieje nutna žiadna oprava. Chyba nieje v zosilnovači. A Ani vymena tranzistorov ,ako som si ich chcel objednat. Potom som ich zrušil. Chyba asi može byt v prevodniku,alebo to nieje chyba. On je neutralny. Ved to nedavalo,zmysel ,žiadna sučiastka nebola vadna. Zjavne som niečo blbo meral s odpormi.
22.2.24 7:18 pravdepodobne nieje nikde chyba ani dac ani v amp. Amp splna špecifikacie vyrobcu,dac tiez asi.....
RME ADI2 DAC FS / TOPPING D10s & DX7 pro+ / E1DA 9038S / AQ DR Red
Woo Audio WA2 / Violectric V280FE / Beyerdynamic A20
E1DA Cosmos adc
V280FE na opravu p.Vrana.
S20FE /S24+