Zajímavý tip a pro mnohé end-game IEM.
Dnes jsem díky Twistertovi6 objevil nové IEM od Unique Melody, zřejmě laděním nástupce U12t.
Nedávno vyšly a je v prodeji pouze 779 kusů.
Twister o nich včera napsal toto (zdroj je v recenzi 2):
"Maven II vs 64 Audio U12t – Despite its age, U12t still has an iconic status, thus I thought it would make a good comparison. What makes it especially interesting, again, on paper when you look at their FRs, they nearly match up to 2kHz (similar response of sub-bass, bass, low-mids, and mids). But, in reality, when you start listening and comparing these with your ears, Maven II sounds like a clear upgrade to U12t. Soundstage width and imaging are a lot wider and more holographic in Maven II, and the difference is very noticeable. Low end quantity, from sub-bass and through mid-bass is very similar, but quality gives Maven II an upper hand because of the sound texture the 2DD drivers bring to the lower end in comparison to U12t BAs. Both have neutral lower mids, and clear, natural, detailed upper mids, but the difference in treble sets them apart big time. U12t has more emphasis in the lower treble which gives its sound a more natural crunch, while Maven II has more emphasis in mid-treble which gives the sound its higher resolution with more sparkle and airiness to improve layering and separation of the sounds. So, if you are a fan of U12t tuning and craving bigger and more holographic soundstage expansion along with DD bass texture and improved retrieval of details, Maven II is a clear upgrade."
Chlapi na head-fi jsou z nich docela nadšeni (a to jsou levnější, než U12t a z titanu).
"Pouhých" 1.799,- USD.
Pokud jsem nečetl špatně, tak někdo je upřednostňuje před UM MM či EE Raven.
Dost rád bych si je poslechl, ačkoli vypadají nenápadně a jsou poměrně levné.
Vlákno:…38/Recenze 1:…372Recenze 2:…/3/Výrobce:…-iiProdejce v EU (Švýcarsko):…emsPočítám, že se zanedlouho objeví v bazaru na HF s nižší cenovkou, páč ortodoxní audiofilové nejsou nikdy spokojeni a nic jim není svaté.
Ještě že mezi ně nepatřím.
Astell&Kern A&ultima SP3000, EE Odin, 64 Audio U12t, Astell&Kern AK300, Heco Ascada 2.0, Sennheiser IE8i, Harman Kardon Go+Play, Sony XDR-V1BTDB,Yamaha NX-5