Vyrobca pise, ze Custom One Pro su vhodne na pripojenie ku prenosnym zariadeniam, citujem "playing perfectly with all kinds of devices (even smartphones and tablet-PCs)".
Podla bacila na ne treba nejaku viac $$$ alebo $$$$ aparaturu, potom zahraju lepsie, nez DT880.

Moj test spred 2 rokov je tu:
viewtopic.php?f=1712&t=1180057&hilit=custom+one+proV zavere mojho hodnotenia pisem: "... potlacene stredy na ukor basov a vysok. V stredoch navyse posobia zastreto, temno. Ku zanrom, ktore pocuvam, sa toto nehodi. Najvyraznejsie to bolo citit vo folkovej malonastrojovej akustickej skladbe."
Modernu elektroniku naozaj nepocuvam ...
Problemom mojho vtedajsieho retazca by mohol byt relativne vysoky vystupny odpor BVaudio Headamp (10 Ohm) voci nizkej impedancii COP (16 Ohm). Avsak mal som moznost pouzit aj prenosny zosilnovac ALO Rx a tiez imod ako alternativny DAC. Pre lepsie pochopenie mojho pohladu na tieto sluchadla uvadzam niekolko hodnoteni inych recenzentov, s ktorymi dokazem suhlasit:
whathifi: Lack a touch of midrange sparkle
headfonia: When listening to Dubstep, R&b, Dance, Rap or Popular top40 music, so practically anything that’s been recorded with a lot of bass and treble, you get great sound and of course great bass. And let’s be honest, a lot of people who will be buying this headphone will listen to these genres. Listening to Rock, Punk & Metal like Billy Talent, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Machine Head you hear it is a fast sounding headphone working great for these genres. On the other hand with music like Jazz such as Vaya Con Dios, Melody Gardot, or even Buena Vista, Manu Chao, Queen, Eddie Vedder, O.A.R., Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley it is less impressive because of the mids being more in the background. It makes me miss a big part of the feeling of these songs. Classical music I did not really enjoy with this headphone. It just doesn’t feel right, I tried all the famous composers, different recordings but couldn’t find anything suitable. But in the Custom’s defense, I don’t think it was developed for that.
soundandvision: the Custom One Pro’s mids and highs aren’t as lush or refined. Voices sounded smoother and simply more real through my V-Moda M-80
earmass: Mid : Mid is what this headphone main flaw in my opinion. The mid is thin, just like what you have probably read. So what kind of mid you will get? Mid is thin like the sound is floating,not enough body to the vocal. no sweetness or anything, but its mid sound signature is good despite being thin.