Re: Stříbrný kabel ke sluchátkům

Asi bych i nějaká měření dohledal, kde je vidět, že má postříbřený kabel oproti čisté mědi peaky v hodně vysokých frekvencích.
Napadlo mě, že "pokovení" kabelu ať už stříbrem či dalšími přidá do zvuku určité harmonické frekvence a podle toho se zabarví. Ale asi je to blbost
-- 18. 8. 2021 08:46 --
(Jestli používá správnou metodiku posuďte sami)

Before time, before man, there was a question. a question that has yet to see a definitive, true answer. it's been in our heads but most are scared to say it. the question?
„Do cables make a difference in sound?“
if you asked me anytime before this post i would have declared no. but it seems i am wrong after all. so why the change of heart?
recently i tested three cables, and i measured the total impedance when connected to my NX7 PRO
KBEAR KS1 stock cable (4 cores, 60.4ohms)
KBEAR Lark stock SPC (silver plated copper) cable (4 cores, 60.7ohms )
NICEHCK C16-3 (16 cores, 59.4ohms)
i tried measuring different cables before, but the measurements were inconsistent when i repeated them. this time i took 3 measurements for each cable. each single measurement is a combination of 8 frequency sweeps averaged into one. so for this test a total of 72 frequency sweeps were made.
The Lark SPC cable has the highest impedance out of the three, and the C16-3 the least. so for the graph it's expected that the C16-3 line is slightly higher than the other two cables, and it is, for the most part.
Lets look at some of the findings:
The Lark SPC cable shifted the lowest point in the mids from 760hz to 653hz that's actually what it does, ive repeated this test about 5 times and the SPC cable consistently does that.
The Lark SPC cable has the highest 7.3k peak despite having the MOST resistence out of the 3 cables.
and those are basically the two main takeaways, the C16-3 and KS1 cables are for the most part the same with the KS1 cable having slightly less amplitude due to it being more resistant than the C16-3. both of them are the same material, copper.
The big difference comes when we involve silver, there are clear and pronounced changes detected when the SPC cable is used.
the measurements become completely inconsistent beyond 13khz so just ignore everything after that for now.
Let me know if i should do another cable rolling test, maybe with different MMXC cables instead of these 2 pin cables.
I'm not afraid to say it, i was wrong about cables!
Napadlo mě, že "pokovení" kabelu ať už stříbrem či dalšími přidá do zvuku určité harmonické frekvence a podle toho se zabarví. Ale asi je to blbost

-- 18. 8. 2021 08:46 --
(Jestli používá správnou metodiku posuďte sami)

Before time, before man, there was a question. a question that has yet to see a definitive, true answer. it's been in our heads but most are scared to say it. the question?
„Do cables make a difference in sound?“
if you asked me anytime before this post i would have declared no. but it seems i am wrong after all. so why the change of heart?
recently i tested three cables, and i measured the total impedance when connected to my NX7 PRO
KBEAR KS1 stock cable (4 cores, 60.4ohms)
KBEAR Lark stock SPC (silver plated copper) cable (4 cores, 60.7ohms )
NICEHCK C16-3 (16 cores, 59.4ohms)
i tried measuring different cables before, but the measurements were inconsistent when i repeated them. this time i took 3 measurements for each cable. each single measurement is a combination of 8 frequency sweeps averaged into one. so for this test a total of 72 frequency sweeps were made.
The Lark SPC cable has the highest impedance out of the three, and the C16-3 the least. so for the graph it's expected that the C16-3 line is slightly higher than the other two cables, and it is, for the most part.
Lets look at some of the findings:
The Lark SPC cable shifted the lowest point in the mids from 760hz to 653hz that's actually what it does, ive repeated this test about 5 times and the SPC cable consistently does that.
The Lark SPC cable has the highest 7.3k peak despite having the MOST resistence out of the 3 cables.
and those are basically the two main takeaways, the C16-3 and KS1 cables are for the most part the same with the KS1 cable having slightly less amplitude due to it being more resistant than the C16-3. both of them are the same material, copper.
The big difference comes when we involve silver, there are clear and pronounced changes detected when the SPC cable is used.
the measurements become completely inconsistent beyond 13khz so just ignore everything after that for now.
Let me know if i should do another cable rolling test, maybe with different MMXC cables instead of these 2 pin cables.
I'm not afraid to say it, i was wrong about cables!