ja osobne slintám

Moderátor: Moderátoři AVMania.cz
Emokid píše:Dík za info ScRyX.
Já bych zas bral černý. Jinak všechno dobrý, odkaz na video z keynote by nebyl? :o)
We've just gotten some face time (ha ha!) with the new iPhone 4, and let's just say this: it's incredibly sexy.
As we said, it's shockingly thin.
The screen is truly outrageous -- you basically cannot see pixels on it. We're not being hyperbolic when we say it's easily the best looking mobile phone screen we've ever laid eyes on.
The build quality is really solid. The home button feels much snappier, and on the whole it just feel like a tightly-packed device, but it's not heavy.
The side buttons are really nice and clicky.
iOS 4 is very familiar -- there's not a lot added to fit and finish.
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