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Odar píše:Aj G630T ma integrovane GPU. Ale nizsie TDP, co je u HTPC obrovska vyhoda. i7 mam v notebooku
The new Seasonic S12II-380 delivers clean, stable power suitable for many PC systems today. It's among the quietest fan-cooled PSUs we've tested. It is very energy efficient, as expected of its 80 Plus certified status. The sleeved cables are long enough for large cases, and there aren't too many of them so cable management is less of a headache. Judging by this sample, the S12II should be a fine replacement of the S12 series.
This PSU shows its close family resemblance to the Corsair VX450 in almost every way, from the look, to component layout to details of performance. Even more than the VX450W, the Seasonic S12II-380 answers our call for "lower power models for those of us who seek to make a high efficiency, quiet, yet highly capable computer. 300W would be plenty for such a PC in these days of improving CPU efficiency." The very high efficiency at even <40W load makes the S12II-380 suitable even for energy misers. (As an aside, the EcoPC Reviewer in me asks how much more efficient the S12II-330 might be at super low loads. It's a question we'll try to answer in the near future.)
Final words: The Seasonic S12II-380 is extremely quiet, highly efficient, and performs very well. We like it very much.
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